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Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is important for the Association for Social, Recreational, Sports and Humanitarian Promotion of Maceira. Through this Privacy Policy, we inform you that your personal data will be treated in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in concerns the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter “GDPR”).


A. Responsible for data processing and mandatory collection

This privacy notice aims to inform you of the activities of automated processing of personal data carried out by the Association for Social, Recreational, Sports and Humanitarian Promotion of Maceira, legal person with number 501323732 with registered office in Lugar do Serrado nº1, 6370-341 Maceira, Fornos de Algodres, (hereinafter referred to as Associação de Maceira), on the personal data provided, for the purposes described below.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, it is essential that you provide us with the requested personal data in order to process your registration and communicate our products and services to you. If we are unable to collect this personal data, there is a possibility that we may be unable to process your registration or communicate our products and services to you. Personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes expressly described in this Clause.

By accepting this privacy policy, you guarantee and declare that the personal data you provide us belongs to you and that they are true, accurate and up to date. You will be able to inform us of any changes to your personal data, in accordance with the procedure set out in section C. Rights of the data subject.


B. Purposes and Legal Basis of data processing operations

Your personal data will be processed based on the purposes/legal bases mentioned below:

Tasks and Procedures Intended purpose Fundamentals
Making telephone contacts and/or confirming reservations or scheduling meetings. Identify the people who filled out the forms to make telephone contact and schedule meetings; confirm scheduling of meetings at a later stage. Consent of the data subject; pre-contractual steps.
Sending communications with new services provided by Associação de Maceira and information about discounts and other types of advantages. Provide those interested in the Association of Maceira with all commercial opportunities;
Keep Maceira Association customers informed of existing opportunities.
Consent of the data subject; pre-contractual procedures; Legitimate interests of Associação de Maceira (namely, marketing interests in relation to products and services).
Carrying out opinion studies. Improve the performance of the Association of Maceira; assess the degree of satisfaction of customers or potential customers; later, prepare and publish reports and articles. Consent of the data subject; Legitimate interests of the Association of Maceira (namely, improving its performance in the sector).
Obtain information about subscribers or users on the Associação de Maceira website. Definition of preferences;
Promote a personalized service for each client or potential client.

Consent of the data subject; Legitimate interests of Associação de Maceira (namely, providing the best possible service to its customers and users)


C. Rights of the data subject

Holders of personal data have, at any time, the right to access, rectify, update, limit treatment, erasure, portability, not be subject to any exclusively automated decision, to submit a complaint to the control authority competent authority (in this case, the National Data Protection Commission).

Holders of personal data also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data.
All the rights referred to herein, expressly provided for by law, must be exercised through the identification of their holders (through a copy of the citizen’s card, giving their unequivocal consent to obtain this copy, or another identification document of the same) for the address (letter addressed to the Association of Maceira, at Lugar do Serrado nº1, 6370-341 Maceira, Fornos de Algodres, or email address of the Association of Maceira (info@embaixadoresmaceira.com). The copy of the citizen’s card will only be used for the aforementioned purpose (i.e., proof of the identity of the holder of the aforementioned rights) and will be deleted if it is no longer necessary to pursue the purpose described in the consent. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.


D. Recipients

According to the terms described in section B, Associação de Maceira does not transfer your data to third parties. Notwithstanding the provisions, the Associação de Maceira works with certain service providers who develop their activity in the following sectors: legal advice, providers of technological services, doctors, laboratories and clinics, providers of IT services, security companies, providers of instant messaging services, infrastructure management and maintenance companies and call center service companies. Within the scope and for the exercise of this subcontracted provision of services, these “subcontractors” may have access to your personal data, but only process these data on behalf and representation of Associação de Maceira, always and only in accordance with the express instructions given by the Association of Maceira and as a result of the contract signed between the latter and those service providers.

Associação de Maceira follows strict criteria in the selection of service providers, in order to comply with its data protection obligations, committing to sign a data processing agreement with them, which includes, among others, the following obligations: apply appropriate technical and organizational measures; treat personal data for the agreed purposes and respond exclusively to the documented instructions of Associação de Maceira; and erase or return the data to Embaixadores d’aldeia upon completion of the services.


E. Term of conservation

For the strict purpose of ensuring pre-contractual diligence, if the registration process is not completed, your data will not be kept and will be removed from any database under the responsibility of Associação de Maceira.

If the registration process is successfully completed, your personal data will be kept for the period legally necessary to pursue the purposes described above or as long as the right of opposition is not exercised or the consent that legitimizes the treatment is withdrawn, as the case may be. To this end, several factors will be taken into account, including the duration of the contract signed or to be signed with Associação de Maceira, the time needed to respond to your requests and the obligations legally imposed on Associação de Maceira, as well as the duration of the legitimate interests of the Association of Maceira.

Associação de Maceira undertakes not to keep your data beyond the legally required period, however it may keep your personal data for a longer period, if legally imposed or if you have a legitimate interest in doing so.


F. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy came into force on January 1, 2022 and is updated in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable legislation. However, Associação de Maceira may, from time to time, modify its Privacy Policy when such change is justified or legally imposed. We advise you to consult our Privacy Policy on each visit to our website in order to obtain the updated version of it.

Cookie Policy

Associação de Maceira, the Cookies are used to store information, such as your preferences when you visit our website. A cookie is a string of text information that a website transfers to the browser’s cookie file on your computer’s hard drive, allowing the website to remember who you are. Cookies help a website organize content to more quickly match your interests, most major websites use cookies. Alone, cookies cannot be used to identify you.

However, this may somehow change the way you interact with our website, or other websites. These actions may affect or not allow you to log in to software, websites on our and other networks.

Own cookies: a cookie managed by this domain / website.

Third-party cookies: a cookie managed by another domain / website.

Persistent cookies: cookie information is permanently stored on your device.
Session cookies: cookie information is not permanently stored on your device.
Associação de Maceira uses session cookies (“session cookies”) and first-party cookies (“first-party cookies”) as well as persistent cookies (“persistent cookies”) and third-party cookies (“third-party cookies”).

Types of cookies depending on the purpose of use:

Technical cookies: are those that allow you to navigate through a domain / website, using different options or services such as, for example, identifying the session, accessing restricted access areas and carrying out the process of a purchase order.

Personalization cookies: are those that allow access to the domain / website with some predefined characteristics depending on a set of decisions taken, such as the language used.
Analysis cookies: are those that allow the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of users of websites to which they are linked. The information collected through such cookies is used, for example, to measure website activity and create browsing profiles.

Advertising cookies: are those that allow the most efficient management of advertising spaces based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency with which ads are displayed.
Behavioral advertising cookies: are those that allow the management of advertising spaces in the most efficient way possible. These cookies store information about user behavior, obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display ads based on this.

Associação de Maceira uses technical cookies, personalization cookies and analysis cookies; does not use advertising cookies or behavioral advertising cookies. Information regarding cookies is controlled and accessed by the website owner.

In addition to cookies, some of our internet pages and HTML messages include “pixel tags” (markers) that allow us to follow the steps of users on our websites and the recipients of our communications. These markers are used to collect non-personally identifiable data and other information that can be used to improve the services we offer to those who visit us.

Links to third-party websites

Associação de Maceira has external links to other sites, which may contain information or useful tools for visitors. Embaixadores d’aldeia’s privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites, so when you visit these websites from ours, you should read their privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or content present on these same sites.

Campaigns and Marketing

Associação de Maceira uses email marketing to communicate with its customers and potential customers frequently. All campaigns created by us are “opt-in” campaigns, meaning that no email will be sent unless the user has confirmed his interest in receiving this type of communication.