logo embaixadores maceira

Maceira, village to explore!

Discovering New Sensations!

Windmill, point of interest to visit!

Rede de Alojamentos

Pontos de Interesse

Restaurantes & Cafés

Serviços & Comércio


Explore everything we have in Maceira!


Our accommodation Suggestion

Enjoy complete surroundings, stay in one of the accommodations in the village, from the house in the village to apartments with a swimming pool or the modern hostel, the hardest thing will be which one to choose first…

Points of interest not to be missed!

From the Roman road, to the chapels and Igreja Matriz, to the well-known windmill… there are several routes that you will have to take, always having the best of our nature as a landscape!

Points of interest not to be missed!

From the Roman road, to the chapels and Igreja Matriz, to the well-known windmill… there are several routes that you will have to take, always having the best of our nature as a landscape!

A social entrepreneurship initiative

“Maceira – Embaixadores D’Aldeia” is a social entrepreneurship initiative whose main objective is to involve the village and the community, in the fight against depopulation, through collaborative activities to promote heritage, culture and nature, oriented towards development village tour.